Vancouver's first float in many decades. I am so happy. Our float description is below, plus my sketch and some progress shots from the past two days. Our float will we towed to the Rose Festival Foundation's float barn on Thursday. More images soon. To contribute to this big, beautiful production, donate here. Don't miss the parade June 8th.

Hello beautiful Portland! With love from your neighbor in the apple state, Vancouver, Washington. We are honored to participate in your 117th Grand Floral Parade for the first time in decades. Our design inspiration draws from both the fruits of our Pacific Northwest landscape and Grand Floral Parade history to style floats with homegrown roses. We present a float that conveys a bountiful orchard above a field of flowers with the use of large scale apples, locally farmed florals, and foliage snipped from our own backyard. We hope you enjoy its sweetness. Please come over the river soon, neighbor, to visit Vancouver, the city with a colorful past and bright future. A special thank you to the Battle Ground Rose Float team for the use of their former Grand Floral Parade chassis – it’s the apple of our eye.